Creative Writing: The Unknown Planet

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“Alert! Help! Shuttle going down! Shuttle going down!” I call into the receiver. My shuttle’s going out of control! I tighten my seatbelt to the chair even more and grip onto the controls harder. One second I see that I’m rocketing into an unknown planet. The next moment I heard a thud. My eyes are open, but I don’t feel any sight. Everything’s white and I feel paralyzed. This can’t be how I’m going to die..
In what feels like an instant, I wake up. My head is whirling and I can’t remember anything. I am about 100 meters from a crashed shuttle. I must have crashed, but I don’t feel any pain. I don't see any blood and I don’t even feel a bruise. There’s not a scratch on my body. How did I make it out alive and all the way over here? I can’t …show more content…

You want me to save the planet filled with IONS? The IONS you hate. The IONS that left damage on this planet. Planet Earth.” I begin to wonder.
"Be quiet child! I have it! How could I have been so clueless! I have the key to taking out your whole planet!" The alien laughs.
"What?! What's going on?!" I plead.
“It was all just a plan. A set up to get you here!” The alien says.
"I'm so confused! What do you mean plan?" I ask frantically.
"The IONs destroyed our Earth, our home. Now we are going to destroy theirs. We are going to replace the water with the chemical that has kept you alive and take out the whole planet. This chemical will cause anyone who drinks the water to explode. No one will know it's the water that is contaminated because the water will still have all of it's natural elements. " The alien says as he gets a gun type machine.
"How could you do this!” I scream.
“Do what? Let the IONS suffer like my kind did?” The alien argues.
“This isn’t right and you know it! Not everyone has to suffer.” I yell
“Then why did my people have to! The IONS left damage on Earth and left us to clean it up. We are all still getting sick. We are all still dying. It’s time for your people to feel my pain.” The alien

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