Creative Writing: The Haunted House

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The arrival and vanishing of an unknown person caused little concern to Ayame. If he had been an assailant shed be worried, yet his presence was one of seeking not hostility. She had a feeling that if she had engaged shed have lost. Turning her attention to the battlefield she sent out her senses into the dust cloud covering the exterminated throne room. Her mind brushed against Destrox burning energy searing her senses back. Using the rubble she cloaked her presence and hid from visibility her breath raged. Her body was growing tired from expending so much energy. Continuing her search she found something interesting. Destrox aura seemed to be unfaded. It felt alive as if it was being fed from an outside source. Touching gently ignoring the burning whiplash she traced the source following a strand of power nigh invisible. The path led down beyond the ground her senses exploring and digging till they opened to an enormous cavern directly below the palace.

Her mind traversed the cavern sensing a familiar force. She knew the moment her …show more content…

"so much damage has been done. It's going to take years rebuilding this place. Better yet I'll just leave it as a monument a haunted memory of a tyrannical rule." Turning she found the door her mind seek had found earlier. "blast it's caved in." sending out her senses she sighed in relief. "it's only caved in for about 300 yards." sheathing Excalibur she took up her massive hammer in both hands. Swinging with just enough power her hammer struck the debris. The force of her blow ripped into the chunks of rock and mortar blowing it down the corridor. Coughing as the dust settled she let her eyes adjust to the darkness within the doorway. She could feel a malicious energy emanating from inside. Yet a small part seemed longing for release. "I hope the corruption hasn't spread to your heart Solus." Taking a step she entered that darkness and

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