Creative Writing: The Cold War

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The harshly cold air causes me to shuffle along stiffly. I pull my hood up over my head with my numb fingers. Immediately I stuff my hands back into the pockets of my jacket as I quicken my pace in order to keep warm. I suppose it’s a good thing I decided to wear this jacket today. It probably isn’t nearly as cold out here as it feels to me. I have always been extremely sensitive to cold weather. Dark, ominous clouds sulk overhead. Maybe the gods are grieving for the many deaths of the people of South Korea during this harsh, bloody war. It’s much too silent today. Usually I hear several gunshots off in the distance. The most noticeable sound at moment is the crunching of leaves underneath my feet every time I take a step. I can almost …show more content…

Out of breath, another young man clumsily trips over a root sticking above the ground before regaining his balance and setting his hands his knees. “What is it, Karma?” Armin asks. The young man notices me and gives me a questioning look. “I... I heard a gunshot,” he huffs out, not taking his eyes off of me. “Who is this?” “Oh, this is...” Armin faces me and raises his eyebrows expectantly. I wipe my tear-soaked face with the back of my hand and take a deep breath. “I'm Ren,” I introduce myself as I bow respectfully. “Ren,” he slaps my shoulder and smiles at me, his eyes twinkling as he does so. Karma nods his head at me and beams cheerfully. “Another one added to the crew then?” Armin glances back at me. “It's up to him.” I bite my lip nervously. “What- what's up to me?” “We cordially invite you, Ren of Busan, to-” “We'd like for you to come with us,” Armin finishes for him while he slaps his arm which makes him whimper and glare playfully at him. My eyes widen at the unexpected invitation. I just tried to kill myself, then I broke down crying, and now these kind strangers want me to join them? A grin creeps up onto my face. I've just been given a second

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