Creative Writing: Moving Away

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It was the dead of winter, My brother and My father had a brilliant idea while sledding. The so called Devil hill at Dubuque Senior High school was the hill I happen to break my leg on, One of the reason's why is because I listen to my brother about how safe it was. I shouldn’t have listen to him or even the idea in general, I made my brother go down first nothing happen to him oh no nothing happens to him, As he is climbing the hill to come back up he says "See now you go down", I Respond "I'm not going down and he wasn’t going to even try and push me". The only reason why I didn’t want to be pushed was because at the bottom of the hill there was a ramp that a snow plow had banked you on to the hill, the ramp was small but still I was scared. …show more content…

My dad told My brother "back off and don’t push him" what's my brother do anyway he pushes me. I am going down the hill at this point screaming and crying, the last thing I remember for a second is there is no sled under me and I'm heading down to concrete and I was not going to a safe landing. I tried and failed at sticking the landing as I came down on one leg, I couldn’t stand and my parents realized that after they tried picking me up. My dad even said "Ryan stand up", l screamed back My father "I cant" as I would just fall right back down to the

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