Creative Writing: Macbeth's Dinner Party

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On a Tuesday night and I found myself walking through a wood carved door, into this enormous room for Macbeth's dinner party. There was only a few people there, and Macbeth welcomed us in with great enthusiasm. In the center of the dining room a chandelier hung low enough to almost touch the table top. Though, the room was framed with many windows that would allow plenty of light in during the daylight hours. Right now the moon light was pouring through, and the sight was very beautiful. We sat down in order of our rank, being of the lowest rank I sat down last. I slid into my chair and stationed myself comfortably since it is the place I would spend the rest of this dinner party. I looked up from my comfortable pose, because a moment later a strange man walked in. The room paused all activity to take him in. He had blood all over his face, tattered clothing, and his face was grim. His eyes were searching the room, and they stopped when he noticed Macbeth. He came to talk to Macbeth. I didn't listen to what they were saying, it seemed too important to have myself bud in. …show more content…

They offered fruity smelling drinks, and placed our meals in front of us. Macbeth initiated the meal by giving us a wonderful toast to have good health, and we drank. Before we ate, Ross and Lennox offered for Macbeth to sit down next to them. Macbeth looked confused, "Where?" he asked. Ross and Lennox pointed to the obviously empty chair. All of a sudden, it was like a switch flipped, Macbeth became very angry. His eyes were wild as they looked over the

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