Creative Writing: Into The Wild

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Spitz was now gone after Buck attacked him. I heard the cries and whimpers, the snarls and the growls of the whole fight. It was horrific. I wasn’t able to sleep anyways.I had pains sometimes and while it was uncomfortable, it was bearable and I didn’t want anyone to think I wasn’t well enough to run,no one would take my spot! The next morning, when he came out of the tent and saw no spitz and a wounded Buck, Francois was going on about Buck.”Eh?Wot I say ?I spik true w’en I say dat Buck two devils.” He drug Buck towards the fire as he inspected Buck’s wounds and pointed them out to the other humans. “Dat Spitz fight lak hell,” Perrault said as he saw the wounds on Buck. “An’ dat Buck fight lak two hells.,” Francois answered.”An’ now we make good time.No more Spitz, no morew trouble,sure.” While Perrault packed up the camp equipment, the dog driver began to harness us up.Buck stepped up to Spitz’s old place,claiming leadership of the pack; but Francois did not notice Buck and instead brought up Sol-leks because he saw Sol-leks as best fit to lead now that Spitz was gone.I did not care much as long as I stayed right here, in my spot where I belong.Buck attacked Sol-leks and Francois slapped his knees, bending over …show more content…

The driver harnessed Sol-leks in the leader place.When the driver called Buck over, Buck again went to the leader position.Perrault swung the club at Buck and they battled it out for a long time.They threw clubs and cursed when Buck dodged the throws. Perrault gave in when he realized how much time was being wasted.He went over to the place Sol-leks was and called Buck over.Buck came over but stayed a distance away as the club was still in Francois’s hand. Francois dropped the club and called Buck again and Buck came over and was harnessed.We went far and wide and Buck picked up loads of time and was far better of a leader than even

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