Creative Writing: Homeless Man

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and I hope you find killer.”
. “Thank you for your help, if we have any questions. We’ll contact you,” Detective Wallace said.
Are you going to put out a police bulletin on him? Will you arrest him? If he killed her, will I get the reward?” She asked, getting excited.
“Don’t get excited. I know nothing about a reward. If the police offer one, we will consider the information you provided. Meanwhile, we want to talk to the homeless man,” Detective Johnson said. “I want to help you catch her killer,” Mrs. Davis said rushing up the driveway with a satisfied look on face shouting, “I know the homeless man killed her! I got a good description of him.” “Thank you for your help,” Detective Wallace said, going toward the car without replying to …show more content…

“That was an unbelievable story. The only thing she missed was the color of his eyes.”
“That is funny. It will be interesting to see what how the homeless man looks. I’m going to check on Steve. Do you want to go with me?” Detective Wallace asked. “I’ll check our messages while I’m waiting for you.”
Going up the steps, Detective Wallace entered the house and asked, “Is anyone in here?”
A CSI team member said, “I’m still here.”
“It’s good to see you. Are you just about finished? ” Detective Wallace asked.
“Another few minutes and I’ll be finished.”
“We talked to the neighbors who weren’t home earlier, and now we’re going to stop for a drink before going home, “Detective Wallace said, following Steven down the hallway.
“I need to do a few things in here before I leave,” Steven said, entering Katherine’s bloody bedroom while making shop talk. Suddenly, he noticed something sticking under the edge of the mattress. Lifting up the corner, he picked up an envelope.
“What did you find there?”Detective Wallace asked. “I don’t know, I’m going to let someone else check it,” Steven said, marked the date on the envelope, and before he placed it in a plastic bag.
“Are you almost finished here?” Detective Wallace

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