Creative Writing: Constance's Emotions

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Constance felt the horrible emotions swirling in her chest boil even hotter as Jacob thrust himself painfully deep, his thick shaft hurting her as it stretched her open, and his words wounding what dignity she had left as he whispered about her ass being perfect, like some package of meat in the butcher's section. "As if you have any right to judg...." Her word cut off with a squeal of pain that she clamped off with a bite of her lip at the pain of him in her, fully deep, his body pushing her legs back even harder and making the angle that much more painful and awkward. And her breath that much shorter. Worst of all was the look of joy on his face, like he'd converted to her religion and gone to heaven by sending her to hell. She could see …show more content…

She whispered between pained gasps, not even waiting for him to stop, denying his words as fast as he could spew them at her. "No... ohhhhh, no... not my fault... you are ohhhhhh.... you are an evil man that's .... ohhhhh.... that's why! I would never be your good little girl, never would marry a man like ohhhhhh.... like you... and if I did I would have suffered like this anyway...ohhhhhh never would... I would never ohhhhh" The rest of his words were too lewd to even try to understand and rebel against, the image he painted to crude to possibly describe her, and she just turned her head aside, carefully staring away from the side where the phone was, her hair in her face and staring at her ankle beside her face, his big hand gripping it, seeing the muscles rippling in his forearm as he held her down on the …show more content…

Don't give him the satisfaction. Constance winced and grimaced, gasping with each deep thrust because she no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't control it completely, but stifling the yelps of pain, hating him silently with her eyes and her heart without calling him an uncaring jerk again. Only he moved, still holding her down but shifting his body against her a little until his grip on her ankles pulled her legs together against his chest so he could wrap one strong arm around her ankles and calves and as much as she squirmed still couldn't get

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