Creative Writing: Black Holes

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"What the hell!" I heard beyond the air whipping by my ears. Grinning madly at my crazy experiment I kept my eyes closed and opened my mouth, "They send me away to find them a fortune a chest filled with diamonds and gold." Time seemed to slow, the wind between my fingers grew heavier and thick like fog. "The house was awake, with shadows and monsters the hallways they echoed and groaned." I stopped fully in the air, standing a good forty feet from the hard ground. Continuing on to the next verse I marveled at the change in my voice, and the faint sounds of music erupting from my head like a speaker, "I sat alone, in bed till the morning, I'm crying they're coming for me. And I tried to hold these secrets inside me, my mind's like a deadly disease." …show more content…

The black hole I had supposedly come through had altered my body in ways I could have only dreamed of. "And all the kids cried out please stop you're scaring me, I can't help this awful energy." I had felt it when I spoke to Raphael, the vibrations in my voice had made something in me shift, and he had felt it too. "Goddamn right you should be scared of me, who is in control." "What the hell are you?" Looking up I saw the four turtles clutching the walls of the skyscraper in front of me, hiding from the city lights to avoid detection. Still angry at their treatment I shut my eyes and drew up the adrenaline to its full height, "I paced around for hours on empty I jumped at the slightest of sounds, and I couldn't stand the person inside me I turned all the mirrors

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