Creative Writing: Allegra's Seizure

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I once met this girl, more special to me than anyone of my friends. She has this disability where she has seizures. I don’t know why but she makes my heart melt. Her name is Allegra and she is the most kind and happy person ever. One day I was working with Allegra and I overheard her mum talking with her teacher. Allegra’s mum said she was pregnant. I was so shocked. What was going to happen with the baby? Where’s the attention and support that Allegra needs? So the baby came and he was absolutely perfect and Georges in every way, this meant that a lot of reckless nights. When Allegra came to school she would look so tired, eyes barley open and yawning constantly all day long. She couldn’t concentrate properly, that little brain going to waste because some mother was so selfish and …show more content…

I think I almost fainted but tried my hardest to keep it together. I went back to class and sat in silence, in shock. I went to visit Allegra in hospital and my eyes were already watering and I was only in the lift. As I slowly put one foot in front of the other out of the lift my heart was pounding, lips were trembling and hands were shaking. I opened the door that seemed for ever away, it was big and brown. It was also very creaky. The machines they all looked so big and scary for this poor little girl. This time I was not going to cry. I was hoping she was awake when I saw her but sadly her body had not adjusted to the machines. I asked the doctors should I stay or should I go, they said I can stay but if I talk to her she can still hear me but her disability makes it hard for her to understand us. She can use a bit of sign language but seeing that she is asleep or something that the doctors told me, I can’t even remember because I was so focused on making sure she gets better soon. We but when I say we I mean myself, I talked about how all her friends were missing her so much and how I had lots of colouring in for when she woke

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