Creative Writing: A Humorous Wedding

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“-Is your biggest adversary, I know,” I cut her off and brushed my hands down the front of my dress. I refused to let Izzy retrogress back into the unhappy girl she was just minutes ago. I also had given up on trying to redress the injury Gertrude left on Izzy all those unforgotten years ago. “But what you fail to realize is that sometimes you tend to augment the situation.” “Augment?” Izzy stared at me, dazed, as I began to pick out the perfect chair by sitting in each of them. The first one, light purple wood, tugged my dress and splintered it. “Yes, you’re making this issue larger than it needs to be.” I sat down in the second chair and shook my head. Too hard. “You don’t have to act belligerent like you’re going to war with her every …show more content…

“Of course. Why wouldn’t we want to be married the same day as our best friends ever?” Suddenly Izzy leaned across the table. “Hey, Sophie, want to marry me today too?” Sophie took another sip of her vitaminwater as if she were considering a business offer. “Sure… why not? I haven’t fallen in love with anyone anyway.” Gertrude, who pushed back her chair rather hastily, looked like she finally realized she was the ninth wheel. After making some excuse about bathing her cats, She bolted out the gate and didn’t look back. “Guys,” Ava turned to us excitedly. “Let’s go get married!” For the hundredth time that day, we cheered. “To us, all of us. Today, April 20th, we start our new lives… together!” Ava raised her glass in a toast, failing to notice the drink that sloshed over the edge and onto the table. “To us!” We cried and clinked our glasses. That was the day I gave Henry everything, and she gave it all to me. The sun, moon, stars, trees, and oceans. We began to write a future together and explore the beautiful world together. Who knew whether we were going to sojourn Scotland or open a bakery together. We could have even end up working at Wendy’s or Taco Bell. It didn’t particularly matter to us: either way we would be

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