Creative Play Research Paper

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Children should be provided more time for creative play. I think this because they help devolop many skills they will need. The older they get the more important these skills will become. People will argue by saying that organized activities help children be more responsible. Which may be true but the skills that creative play creates are more important to learn at that young age. I will talk about the skills they learn, why their cruicial to learn at that age, and why it benifits them more. After learning about my topic's you will agree with me too. To start off, I will talk about what skills creative play helps children devolop. Some are self expression, critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent thinking which are just a few of the skills they will devolop. Many will argue and say they won't learn how to be resposible adults, But as children they should'nt be resposible for much. They will have time later in their life like high school to join organized activities and devolop those skills at an age where they will be needed more.Also creative play helps them learn as they play. I stongly believe in this becasue children love to play. …show more content…

As children are young they like to use their imagination which they will use in creative play. Organized activities don't require much or no immagination at all. Many will argue and say that organized activitie skills will be required at a young age too. I disagree because, as we get older we start doing more organized activities and participating on teams. The skills that they help devolop are needed more when we are older and are going to find jobs and have to move out and be responsible adults. We can agree organized activities skills are needed but not at such a young age. This is why I believe as children they should be offered more creative play

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