Creative Analysis: The Mom And Pop Art

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Homer accidentally becomes famous as an outsider artists because of a jumbled barbecue pit kit with a mess of concrete and bricks which he originally wanted to get rid off. Homer is carried away by the sudden success, and tries to continue his work by destroying and recombining his baseball bat,antiques and so on. Unfortunately, he is totally rejected by the audience for all his later masterpieces are repetitive of the first piece. Homer gets confused and goes to an art museum, trying to get some inspiration, but ending up with a nightmare of various paintings and artists attacking him. Homer is totally discouraged, but luckily he soon get inspired by the artist Christo’s idea — “ do something big and Daring” . Finally Homer and Batt flood Springfield by opening all the fire hydrants and make Springfield another city like Venice. Everyone, concluding animals like Homer’s new conceptual artwork and live happily. Evaluation The Mom And Pop Art is a animated cartoon, which seems to be absurd. But I believe the well- designed plots are ironic to the social fact. Homer Simpson’s experience is quite similar to many things …show more content…

My first idea is quite similar to Marge’s earlier idea: “ I study art for years, I just don’t get that a ‘trash’ could be worth thousands of dollars.” What is interesting happened at that time. The art gallery owner tells Simpson that “ you become a professional artist!” , merely because that a man bought Simpson’s work. A transition from “ outsider artist ” to “ professional artist” is just accomplished by a deal. This is absurd. It is undeniable that some great artwork are made by accident. Homer do his first piece of art unconsciously. But that work does express human emotions and appreciated by another person. So,the barbecue kit is a quality piece of art. But that does not mean Homer is an artist who are always qualified to create

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