Creation Story Vs Greek Mythology Essay

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There is no definite answer to how the world was created, each religion and culture has a different answer. The creation story is the telling of the development of the present world. These stories are derived from early oral tradition, that was passed down from generation to generation until they were written down. The stories vary on how the world came to be, some say it just emerged or it was created from chaos, or it came out of nothing. Some stories state that there is a world parent or a earth diver, that brought up mud from the bottom of the water to create land. Each one of theses variations have multiple creation myths attributed to them; so, there can be similarities between the different myths. The egyptian creation story states …show more content…

The first similarity being the succession of rule. The Greek story starts with Gaia and Uranus, then the Titans, then finally Zeus; and, the Egyptian story starts with Atum, and Osiris and Isis, then Finally Horus (Buxton). Another similarity is Osiris not being able to rule because he became incompetent. This is similar to Cronus castrating his father, after he does Uranus is not able to rule anymore (Buxton). Both stories start out with chaos in the beginning (Buxton). Also, in both creation myths brother and sisters are married. For example, Hera and Zeus in Greek mythology and Isis and Osiris in Egyptian mythology (Buxton). Even though the two myths have many similarities, there are differences. For example, in the Greek story, each new ruler came a new age of man; but, in Egyptian story the new ruler caused or brought about an attitude man had (Buxton). In the Egyptian story, Atum created his children to cease loneliness, and in the Greek story there is no explanation why the titans were created. In the greek mythology, the gods are suspicious of their children at birth, so they eat or hide them. This ultimately becomes their demise (Buxton). In the Egyptian story Osiris demise was brought upon by a jealous

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