Albert M. Wolter's Creation Regained

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“There are two ways in which God imps his law on the cosmos, two ways in which his will is done on earth as in heaven.” Albert M. Wolters. (Wolters, pp. 16). Wolters’ has many thoughts in his book Creation Regained. I spent a lot of time reflecting on what Wolters said, which will also be discussed. Lastly, I will talk about the four stained-glass windows that represent creation, fall and redemption and new creation in the Ozinga chapel. Wolters has strong opinion about structure and direction in the Bible. He states in the book that structure “refers to the order of creation, the natural creation of God” (pp. 59). Direction is a relationship toward or away from God that is, directed either in obedience or disobedience to his law.” (pp. 59). …show more content…

If done right, this will improve over time. For a personal example, look at building a sculpture. To build a structure one needs a lot of materials like clay, a plotter wheel, water and tiny tools. All of these tools help to make the sculpture into your design. You can also think about structure in the way that God made every single person on this earth and how he made everyone completely different. It similar to what I said before about the making a structure. People are the same way no one looks the same except twins, but looks aren’t everything. I tell my friends back home that it isn’t all look its about more about the inside. God made us each uniquely; he made us speak different, different physical appearance, different voices, different talents and so much more. Even though we were structured differently, we all came from the Lord Jesus Christ. This leads into the next topic, …show more content…

Creation was the beginning of everything and the Creation Subdued was when people sinned for the first time. When God created the earth, he knew that we would choose to sin. We have freewill to choose the right path or the wrong. With our freewill, we can choose to follow God and praise him. However, we can also choose the wrong path of not following God. This path will ultimately lead to an eternity of suffering. God did not want us to have to suffer, so he sent a Redeemer. This brings us to the next picture in the

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