Corruption In The Kite Runner

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After Rahim asks about rescuing Sohrab and bringing him to Peshawar, Amir’s answer is that he doesn’t want to go, because of “a wife in America, a home, a career, and a family”(p 226). Then Rahim Khan says that there is also another reason and tells him about Sanaubar. As it appeared Ali was actually unable to have children and Hassan is Baba’s son. Baba slept with Sanaubar, but after Hassan was born he could not openly proclaim him his son. While Amir's mother was of royal lineage and died while giving birth to Amir, Sanuabar was a tramp who gave born her son outside of marriage. Baba couldn’t tell anyone about this shameful situation, because he was afraid to damage his reputation. So, Baba just fathered Hassan and never told Amir or Hassan

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