Corrupt Power And Influence Of The Catholic Church In The 16th Century

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Jaden Premo
History 112
September 13th, 2017

2. Growing concerns about the corrupt power and influence of the Catholic Church in the 16th century fomented challenges to church doctrine known as the Protestant Reformation. Write an essay in which you discuss the following: What was an indulgence? What was the purpose of selling indulgences? Which groups were impacted the most by the selling of indulgences? 3. What were the practices of the church that were considered corrupt? 4. How did the invention/use of the printing press influence the Protestant Reformation?

An indulgence was a partial remission of the temporal punishment, especially an escape from purgatory, that is still due for a sin or sins after absolution in the Roman Catholic Church. The granting of indulgences was signified on two beliefs. First, in the …show more content…

Second, indulgences rested on belief in purgatory, a place in the next life where one could continue to cancel the accumulated debt of one’s sin. Different groups were affected in different ways, all church officials, merchants, laborers, and bankers gained wealth from the profits of indulgences. State and National leaders like German princes were losing money because the money was moving to Rome. The poor were enticed to spend all their money on indulgences for a faster way to heaven. The corruption of the Roman Catholic Church was at the heart of Martin Luther’s attack on it in 1517 when he wrote the “95 Theses” thus sparking off the German Reformation. In 1500 the Roman Catholic Church was all powerful in western Europe. There was no legal alternative. The Catholic Church guarded its position and anybody who was

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