Corporate Digestion

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The problem to be investigated in R. Edward Freeman’s “A Stakeholder Theory of the Modern Corporation” is the intrinsic relationship of a stakeholder and a stockholder to that of an artificial corporate entity and their resulting influences. As such, what problems did Freeman see with government regulations controlling corporate operations? Prior to this century, there were few constraints or roadblocks in the daily affairs of a corporation. Managerial capitalism was used as a large, wielding bat that could beat down, without discourse, any opponents that created obstruction to profit for the stockholders of the corporation. Suppliers and customers were managed in any fitting style for lack of common guidelines. Largely before managerial capitalism, a diversified stockholder ownership of a large managerial enterprise would give a blind thumbs-up on decisions across all levels. This was because the stockholders had neither the time nor the commitment to worry about such affairs. All they were concerned about was the revenue. (Church, 1986) The intervention of governmental rulings, such as The National Labor Relations Act and The Clean Air Act, to name a few, provided stakeholders a new status several rungs up on the priority ladder. No longer were they subordinate to stockholders. Due to government regulations over corporations, managers must first work within the law of protections put in place to benefit stakeholders before considering the desires of the stockholder. (Freemen, as cited in Jennings, 2009)

List the stakeholders of a corporation. Are government and competitors included?

Why or why not?

In addition to stockholders, a corporation is comprised of people or groups who have a

vested interest. They are...

... middle of paper ...

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