Cordoba Influence

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Influence in its most literal sense refers to the ability to have an impact on the development of something, or the power itself, while adaptation refers to the integration of different components to ensure the survival of an entity as a whole. In terms of art however, the words take up a deeper meaning. Influence and adaptation from an artistic perspective is the incorporation of the different styles and elements from various cultures and eras to form art as is known today. One of the best example of the influence, adaptation and preservation of several cultures, time periods and religions would be The Great Mosque of Cordoba. The mosque has a rich history to back up its architectural accomplishments; On the site where the mosque is located, …show more content…

The origins of the mosque dates back to the 8th century, when the mosque was originally built by Al-Rahman I for numerous reasons. One of the reasons being that since he conquered the city of Cordoba, he wanted to represent this conquest by building a monumental site such as the mosque. Another reason the construction of the mosque was called for was because Al-Rahman I wanted to form a sense of Islamic identity in the Western World, outside of what was then considered the Islamic World; Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Syria.*(Dodds 9). In terms of construction, the mosque consisted of 850 pillars; every row of pillar supporting a layer of open horseshoe arches upon which a third tier is overlaid. From the entire complex the most intricate adornment is located in the third mihrab or prayer niche, an octagonal alcove ceiled with just a lone block of white marble that is carved in the shape of a sea shell and contains walls enamelled with Byzantine style mosaics and gold.*(Britannica) The use of gold inlaid mosaics showcases the influence of the Byzantine style of art incorporated in the mosque. Apart from the mihrab, the mosque also consists of an equally astounding dome situated just above the mihrab. The dome is fashioned with interlacing beams that form pointed arcs that are extravagantly overlaid with gold mosaic in a circular pattern. This technique was later used during the Gothic Period*(khan academy). This shows that the mosque did not just use influences and adaptations in its designs, but also it in itself influenced artworks in the later eras. Another significant element in the interior of the Great Mosque of Cordoba would be the pattern designs covering the walls of the mosque. In Islamic Art, flower and geometrical patterns were fundamental to the

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