Control And Control In Macbeth Analysis

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The nature of both control and fate are explored in Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s most horrific tragedies, in which the titular king is driven to murder in a quest to gain power. Under Macbeth’s kingship, more and more people die as both Macbeth and his kingdom are driven to chaos. Despite Macbeth’s apparent control over his own fate, other characters have an integral role in determining how the plot unfolds. The weïrd sisters give Macbeth the initial desire to murder King Duncan, while Lady Macbeth gives him the final push he needs to commit this act. Throughout this play, control appears as a fluid entity—constantly changing hands and shared unequally between the characters mentioned previously. Although all three appear to have influence …show more content…

Upon hearing that Malcom is officially heir to the throne, Macbeth displays shame for his thoughts of murder by explaining “Stars, hide your fires;/Let not light see my black and deep desires” (Document A) At this point, Macbeth reveals his fear of the very idea that has taken hold inside of him, suggesting that he has the capacity to resist the witches’ temptation. Unlike Lady Macbeth, who immediately starts planning to murder King Duncan and eventually convinces Macbeth to join her, Macbeth remains hesitant to commit the murder. Macbeth’s initial hesitance reveals the possibility that he allows the evil thoughts to take over him due to the persuasion of Lady Macbeth or on his own, as opposed to those thoughts forcing their way into reality against his will. If this is the case, the murder of King Duncan was entirely in Macbeth’s control. A short while later, Macbeth explains to his wife that he “ha[s] done the deed” (Document C). Unlike Lady Macbeth, who is unable to murder the king herself, Macbeth reveals that only he has the power to murder King Duncan. After murdering him, Macbeth moves to take more control of the events around him. Out of a fear instilled in him by the weïrd sisters, Macbeth murders Banquo. Now, Macbeth is trying to free himself from the control exerted on him by the weïrd sisters. Unfortunately, by trying to free himself, Macbeh finds himself further entangled in the strings of the powerful weïrd sisters. The dominance of the sisters is not complete, since they allow Macbeth the choice of how to act on their prophecies. By allowing him some choice, the weïrd sisters give Macbeth the ability to control how the prophecy comes true; however, they never allow him to alter the end result. No matter how Macbeth acts, the prophecies of the witches will ultimately come true. Unlike Lady Macbeth, though, Macbeth brings his fate upon himself, and by

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