Contratista Monologue

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Near the end of the year's strawberry season, Ito sent Francisco to work for an ill sharecropper who needed more help. To give the sharecropper extra help, Ito loaned me out to him as well. Once we arrived, the contratista immediately began giving orders to us on what needed doing in the fields. "Listen, hüerquito,"He said," I want you to hoe weeds. But first, give me and Gabriel a hand." Francisco and I hauled ourselves into the bed of the truck and helped the contratista unload a farming plow. Once we set it on the ground, the contratista used a large rope and tied a knot to the plow and, turning to me, said,"Here, tie this around your waist. I want you to till the furrows." And handed the other end of the rope to me. I felt a grimace on my face and said,"I can't do that." The contratista put his hands on his hips and demanded,"What do …show more content…

I am not an animal." The contratista leaned in my face and shouted,"Well this isn't your country, idiot! You either do what I say or I'll have you fired!" I could smell the bean burrito he had for lunch. Gagging, I said,"Don't do that, please. I have a family to feed." The contratista retaliated,"I don't care about your family!" He grabbed my shirt collar and pushed me as hard as he could. Losing my balance, I toppled backwards. The contratista kicked me in the side as he hit the earth, leaving a bruise I would feel for days after. I lunged at the contratista, fists raised. Díaz paled. Backing away, he

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