Monologue Of Frankenstein

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A tiny voice asked, “Is he the one? Is he the one you have been searching for master?” “I-I-I-I believe so m-m-master. I-I-I believe h-he is the o-o-one that will give y-y-you e-e-eternal-l p-p-power.” said the servant scarcely. A long time time ago, in a place filled with thing that you would have never imagine, we call them mythical creatures. No one knew that they ever even existed. In those mythical creatures, there was a very selfish man who wanted every single power in the world to himself. He would get the power by making bets on human lives and when they couldn’t pay the prices, he would take their sole, and depending on how bad their future would be, the more power he would get. He wanted the power, the glory, he wanted everything. He would make the creature bow down to him like he was their king. If one of them would not bow, he would make a bet with them, everyone knew that he would always win so they would just forfeit and not even try. …show more content…

The man was so scared that he scream the most piercing scream ever. He had all of the creature meet him at the center unless they want to die today. “There is a boy that will be able to destroy me. We all know without me you guys will have the worse lives

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