Contrasting Portrayals of Caesar in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

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In William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar is portrayed in different ways. In some scenes he is portrayed as being brave, god- like, and super human. In others he is characterized as being vulnerable, weak, and human. Different characters had contrasting descriptions of Caesar. The noble Cassius described him as both human and super human. Caesar described himself as super human in many scenes. Antony described Caesar with human- like qualities. It is difficult to assess whether Caesar was more human or super human due to the fact that he is depicted with both human and super human qualities. Caesar most often depicts himself with super human qualities. Just before his assassination, Caesar said “Know, Caesar doth not wrong, nor without cause will he be satisfied” (A3 S1 L47). A famous quote once said “to err is human and to forgive is divine.” If Caesar is never wrong, that means that he never made a mistake. If he never made a mistake, or erred, he would not be human, thus making him super human. When Cassius was trying to convince Brutus to join his ...

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