Continental Drift: How Physical Geography Has Affected Society

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During the time of life and evolution, the land we walk on today has changed and developed into its current position. In 1912, Alfred Wegener, a German polar researcher, geophysicist and meteorologist, presented the idea of the world once being a supercontinent called Pangaea. Thenceforward, the landforms have split and drifted apart, known as continental drift. The philosophy that continents might have 'drifted' was first heard from by Abraham Ortelius in 1596. Through the change of physical geography, the land has affected societies, culture, and human beings. Because the land has moved and changed, people have had to adapt to their new style of living in order to survive. As a result of the physical geography changing, it has affected societies …show more content…

Culture is the total knowledge, attitudes, and behavior shared and passed on by members through communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Physical geography has evolved culture because of the continental drift theory by Wegener. Continental drift affected the way weather, climate, and landforms were during the first build of a society. When the weather changed people began to wonder why. Shortly after, people commenced to believe that there was a god or multiple gods. Most believed in Animism, a belief that everything in nature has a spirit. The reason for this belief is because they were farmers. They depended on the rainfall and sunlight to grow their crops. When the climate changed they either had less rainfall and more sunlight, which caused crops to go dry, or less sunlight and more rainfall, which caused crops to have diseases and cause health problems. They worshiped the sun spirits to bless them with sun when there was an excessive amount of water and when there was an excessive amount of rainfall they worshiped the sun gods so that the quantity of rainfall and sunlight was balanced out in order for crops to grow properly. When the spirits of nature did not answer their call they thought it meant the gods were angery at them. This action led to the act of animists offering sacrifices, prayers, and/ or dances, of devotion to the spirits in hope of them blessing their life, either

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