Conspiracy Theory Research Paper

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Conspiracy theories have been around for generations. Most people don’t give them a second look, but there are a few individuals that are curious and want to know more. There are many conspiracy theories such as the murder of Osama Bin Laden, 9/11, the Boston Bombing, and even aliens. All of them to the normal person sound ridiculous and wouldn’t even be given a second thought, but what most people don’t realize is that some people actually believe these so called “theories” wholeheartedly. A whopping 21% of people believe that the government is covering up the existence of aliens in area 51 (Linden 41). Conspiracy theories, such as this, greatly affect the public understanding of science. According to many surveys conducted, results show that …show more content…

They should vocally educate to the public with specific detail about what exactly happened on days of those events. People need proof that these conspiracy theories are false and reiterate to them what exactly happened on those days. There should be no information that should be withheld from the public. In my opinion, one of the main causes for conspiracy theories could be the natural want or need to apply the blame upon someone or something else. For example, when the attacks on 9/11 occurred people were so upset that they needed someone to blame so they blamed the one person that is supposed to protect American citizens the most, the President, Mr. George W. Bush. In a time of crisis for many people they thought that he could have prevented the tragic event or that in some way he didn’t do his job to the fullest potential. However, that is not the case because after the attacks on September 11th President Bush’s approval rating soared to an all time high of around 90%. The highest ever in his career as president (“Presidential”). In my opinion scientists could have prevented this conspiracy theory from spreading by disproving through credible evidence and research that it was not President Bush’s fault that the attacks on 9/11 occurred. They could discuss all the ways that not only he but government agencies worked to try to prevent attacks towards the U.S. In today’s society conspiracy theories are everywhere but it is not hard to avoid them; I just use common

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