Conspiracy Theories In The Film Enemies Within

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Enemies Within is a film that was produced and written by Trevor Loudon. This film was released as a documentary in attempt to warn American citizens against the conspiracy theories about the infiltration of communism and Islam into their government. The conspiracy theories are described throughout the film and have many similarities, but there are distinct differences between them. The credibility of the film is questionable, but if it is to be taken at face value, then it does have worldwide implications. First, the film Enemies Within describes an apocalyptic, yet slow and sophisticated, takeover by communists depicted as strategic, terminal, and the end of the American lifestyle as it is currently known. Loudon suggests that the definition of communism has been confused, especially with the younger crowds. Instead of something that should be feared and banished, it has twisted into something that is praised and is beginning to be accepted (Loudon, 2016). He begins narrating the film by pointing out that traditional American values have recently been labeled with negative adjectives such as, racist, Islamophobic, and more (Loudon, 2016). There were several …show more content…

Specifically, these chemtrails are used to create artificial cloud cover in order to minimalize global warming, but it must be done is such a way that hides the truth. This theory, along with other similar ones, can be referred to as convert geoengineering conspiracy theories. These chemtrails are harmful to the environment and are considered to be one of the main causes behind the increase of Alzheimer’s and other brain and mental health issues (Dunne, 2017). Roughly, five percent of the American population believe in these covert geoengineering conspiracy theories (Dunne,

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