Confucius's Philosophy And Philosophy Of Taoism

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Confucius was first a teacher he studied and did well. “ On reaching the age of 15 I bent my mind to learning”. (Hudson Smith ,World Religions 155). Confucius was also a tutor. “He had complete confidence in his ability to reorder society. (155). Confucius believed you should “enrich and then educate”. (Smith pg. 155). Confucius went state to state teaching people giving advice to their leaders. Confucius failed as a politician but was successful as a teacher. In China he is known as the mentor to many, Confucius believed there were four things to a profound person. They are as follows “To serve my father as I would expect my son to serve me. To serve my ruler as I would expect my ministers to serve me. To serve my elder brother as I would …show more content…

H e was nicknamed the old man. The basic meaning of Tao is that everything revolves around the way. Tao is the way to the ultimate reality. “In the second mode it assumes flesh and informs all things.” In the third meaning Tao refers to the way of human life. (smith pg. 198-199). Taoism’s text is referred to as Tao Te Ching which means the way and the power. There are three different branches of Taoism. The first branch is philosophical Taoism, Unorganized, reflective, Believes in self-help. This branch of Taoism has teachers but they refer to them as coaches. They seek Knowledge. “Philosophical Taoist tries to conserver their Te by expanding its efficiency”. (smith pg. 200). A second form of Taoism is Taoist Hygiene and Yoga. They are engaged in a training program, they work with matter movement and their mind. They participate in activities such as dance, meditation, martial arts and they follow the yin yang philosophy. They also participate in Taoist meditation. “The practice involved shutting out distractions and emptying the mind to the point where the power of the Tao Might bypass bodily filters and enter the self-directly”. (smith pg. 202). This form of Taoism allows the Taoist to go above and beyond in increasing their Tao. The third form is religious Taoism. “It was anchored in a pantheon whose three originating deities included “Lao Tzu,”( Smith pg. 205.) This form of Taoism performs rituals and in if done correctly have …show more content…

“How to maximize the Taos animating Te. Taoist want to make sure life’s allotment of Ch’i is used to the best of its ability.. If the normal quotient can be increased and finally if cosmic energy can be gathered. (smith pg. 207). Taoism rejects self assertiveness and competition. Taoist are not interested in worldly things. Taoist are not aggressive and side with nature. Taoist believe to be alive is good. In Taoism there is no specified deity and the afterlife is not explained in great

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