Conformity Speech

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Let me ask You a question, Have you ever really thought about what conformity is. And no I don't mean the definition that is so available online but the impact of it, the effect that it has on our day to day lives. I know you're all probably like who is this guy trying to tell me what conformity is. It’s a surprisingly contradictory subject And a lot of people don't really understand how it works and the effects that it has on people . Conformity I believe is split up into two major forms the first one being going with the crowd and following the mandates set forth by society. The problem with this is the connotation behind the word mandates. It has officially behind it the kind of thing that you can't manage to get away from. This kind …show more content…

Created by John Locke a philosopher during the Enlightenment period in France. This was taking place in 17th-century Europe but had repercussions all around the world. Tabula rasa directly translates to Blank Slate. Locke said that all people are born with absolutely nothing in their heads.This allows us to see that the world around us is what shapes us into being who we are not the inside us coming out. Why do you think that racial boundaries are still around today it is all because we don't make who we are the world decides who we are going to be and what decisions we are going to …show more content…

She is living the life that she wants and has an amazing husband that she has fallen in love with, but as the story begins to develop we see that Stella is the one that is conforming to the new place around her. The Situation at Belle Reve wasn’t fitting to her the situation wanted her to conform to it and it was working as she still carries around a sliver of that high-class attitude when she walks and talks to people. Now the reason that she left Belle Reve and Blanch didn’t is quite understandable. BEcause of Tabula Rasa, as I mentioned earlier they should both live near identical lives. But situations arrive and changes happen. I believe the main difference between Blanche and Stella as they were growing up is the fact that Stella is the younger sister. This will have changed the way that she was brought up. Often times the younger sibling is given special treatment because they are younger. This can cause people to become more sensitive as they grow older. This is why when Stella and Blanche's father died she had to leave because she was too sensitive to stay there any longer The main reason that Stella grew up not wanting to remain in Belle Reve was the death of her father, A man that she had much respect for. In this time period, the man hitting a woman is not that big of a deal. It was mainly in the 1950’s

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