Conformity In Our Society

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“Be yourself; everyone else is taken!” This is a phrase I have heard people say so often, but despite its evident truth, people tend to shrug it off. It seems that in this day and age, the easiest way to be “cool” is to conform, and to have the popular clothes, technology, and physique. Being your own person almost seems to be a concept that is lost on many today. With all of the advertisement, it is hard enough as it is to make our own decisions, let alone trying to make them with society overall attempting to influence us. Conformity is one of the biggest enemies of our society today, and it's best adversary is individualism. Conformity can be shown the easiest with the example of the Apple company. I have nothing against Apple myself. However, their monopolization of the phone industry demonstrates the widespread desire for conformity in this society. Much as our inability to rely on ourselves has become so prevalent nowadays, so too has our world’s dependence on technology. For example, everyone seems to have an iPhone these days. As stated in the ibTimes article “iPhone vs. Android Users” by Mike Brown, “The iPhone accounted for …show more content…

In addition, so much of the media stresses dropping those last five pounds, but all this tactic really accomplishes is making people insecure. Insecurity, in this case, all too often leads to conformity, because a common thought is that if I can be just a little thinner I can fit in better. However, something that people everywhere should understand is to just be comfortable in your own skin; just be yourself. In this society, conformity is too frequently overlooked, and when the media pushes you to get the popular brands, it does not help. Therefore, strive to rely on yourself, your self-esteem, and your individuality; this action alone could help others to follow, and before we know it, harmful conformity is a thing of the

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