Conformity And Identity In Brave New World By Aldous Huxley

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Conformity and Identity in Brave New World Essay
Society forms trivial connections to the individual and constructs a sense of hierarchy that is manifested within society. In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the characters of the dystopian society named the World State provides a diversified perspective on the effects of conformity. The World State replaces individual expression and forms an impression of identity for Bernard and Lenina. As a result of the World State’s perception of society, individual expression is only a mirror of societal expression. By oppressing compliant, identification, and internalization conformity, true societal stability can be better represented. In Brave New World, conforming with society will result in an unstable …show more content…

A president-like figure, Mustapha Mond the World Controller, references the society's logic. “‘Stability,’ said the Controller, ‘stability. No civilization without social stability. No social stability without individual stability’” (Huxley 31). The Controller represents the whole of the society when he speaks of stability. By applying Lenina as an example, there is clear irony and hypocrisy in the Director’s premise. Lenina does not have a strong identity as her sense of self-worth is entirely dependant on the praise of others. With society’s praise, Lenina appears to have a strong identity, which is structured from her self-image. Without societal praise, Lenina fails to have a strong identity as she lacks appreciation from others. In the same way Lenina is conditioned, children are conditioned to be familiar with death and loss as to prevent the emotional trauma that results from it. This emotional detachment leads to a society that is materialistic and unable to attain true passion. Bernard realises this when he says, “‘I want to know what passion is,’ she heard him saying. ‘I want to feel something strongly’” (Huxley 63). Bernard attempts to find passion which is an example of individual expression. Instead of letting society pressure him into wanting stimulant soma and recreational …show more content…

The World State believes in a flawed practice that social stability depends on the individuals’ stability, which the self-doubt of Lenina and the chaotic mental journey of Bernard proves the great facade that the World State citizens live in. Expression of the self will be a mirror of societal expression controlled by the dystopian society, the World State, which is imposed upon by conditioning the youth to their “inevitable fates”. Bernard’s passion can be more effectively found through rejecting compliant, identification, and internalization conformity which will ultimately lead to a stronger society. The basis of the World State is formed upon preconceived ideas that will internally weaken the morals of the individuals as well as the perceptions they form of

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