Conflict Analysis Of Obesity In American Culture

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When discussing sociology, in the American culture, obesity is seen as a bodily irregularity and deviance that should be adjusted. Obesity has indeed become one of the most stigmatizing physical characteristics in our culture. Furthermore, a thin body is apprehended as the original and normal body where obesity is seen as a disruption to the equilibrium of our body.
The conflict theory proposed by Karl Marx, implies that society is in continuous conflict because of competition for limited resources; important to the analysis of obesity the conflict theory embraces hereditary and environmental factors. Eating, and eating healthy is important to my family. I choose to write about this topic because to appreciate home cooked …show more content…

This has led to a society that encourages supersizing things such as food. These American values make it obvious to see why obesity has become so projecting threw out the years. Consequently, to the American culture and the endorsement of the fast pace lifestyles, family systems tend to live in a way where fast food becomes a normal intake because of the lack of time pertaining to sitting down as a family and having a healthy meal. With this lifestyle, families have less time for healthy meals.
Children also attend school where unhealthy food is served to them. Schools tend to serve children microwaved food which is high in sodium. Additionally, if children lack attaining healthy habits through their families there becomes less of an opportunity to prevent them from denying unhealthy foods outside of their homes. Likewise, decreasing the amount of family time with children can create bad habits in physical activity. Substituting physical activity, children prefer to watch T.V. or spend time on the computer. The bad habits that children are learning continue into their young adult life. In a like manner, this makes children and adults more susceptible to the building of unhealthy …show more content…

This stands apart from the other two main sociological perspectives being the interactionalist, which focuses on how a person acts according to their interpretations, and the conflict theory which focuses on the negative conflicted nature of society. I believe this section of my research pertains mostly to the functionalist theory because during a financial recession with its high rates of unemployment and inflation, social programs are trimmed or cut such as food assistance. Families then tighten their budgets. And a new stability occurs, pertaining to my research I would identify that new stability as the habit to consume unhealthy

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