Confidence In Winston Churchill's Speech 'Blood, Tears And Sweat'

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Conflict is everywhere; from the smallest quarrels to the grandest of wars, society has had to deal with hardships. Persistence and determination saves the day. Without trust, or confidence in trust, society would be in grave danger during times of panic. Confidence can be shown in small acts, just as Sophie does in Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler’s Shadow, or country-impacting, like Prime Minister Winston Churchill shows in his speech, Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat. People can best respond to conflict by staying confident in their beliefs and ideas.

Trust is found everywhere. Trust should be found in the government, but if not the government, friends and family. Powering together creates strength. Winston Churchill demonstrates this in his speech, Blood, Toil Tears, and Sweat, “I feel entitled as this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to …show more content…

Having confidence in each other, and in one’s self eases the pain of conflict. There is so much good going on in the world. For example, “PCVS TRAINED 1,022 PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV AND CAREGIVERS OF ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN IN HOME-BASED CARE IN TANZANIA, 1,000 MOTORCYCLE DRIVERS TRAINED AS HEALTH EDUCATORS IN CAMEROON; 230 WERE TESTED FOR HIV, PCVS TRAINED 3,622 CAREGIVERS OF ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN TO SUPPORT CHILDREN AFFECTED BY HIV IN BOTSWANA” (Peace Corps). This information can make people feel more confident in society. People also need confidence in themselves. Bartoletti explains, “Sophie measured herself against high standards and believed others should do the same” (398). Confidence is believing, and not backing down. Churchill makes this clear when he states, “Victory at all costs --Victory in spite of all terrors-- Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival” (368). By making “victory” the clear goal, he made sure there was no way anyone could lose

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