Confetti Girl

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Did you know that fewer than 50% of children live with the “traditional” family of two married parents. In both Confetti Girl and Tortilla Sun the main character lives with one single parent. In Confetti Girl, the narrator has a single father who is very invested in literature, so much that the narrator doesn't think he loves her. In Tortilla Sun Izzy’s mom has to leave for the Summer, making it so Izzy has to stay with her grandma which she doesn't want to do. In the stories Confetti Girl and Tortilla Sun the characters have a disagreement and these differences in point of view create tension between the characters in each story. In Confetti Girl, the tension is caused because the narrator's single father seemingly loves literature more than …show more content…

First of all, tension is shown in Tortilla Sun in paragraph 9. As the text states, “Mom leaned back against the counter and sucked in a great gulp of air. ‘It's strange actually. I wasn't expecting it, but then at the last minute the funding came through.’ She folded her arms across her waist. ‘I'm going to Costa Rica to finish my research.’” This paragraph shows tension because Izzy’s mom is doing something against Izzy’s interest which ultimately causes Izzy to be angry at her mother. Secondly, tension is shown in Tortilla Sun in paragraph 34. As the text says, “Opportunity? For me? Or for you?”(34) This quote shows tension because Izzy is obviously mad at her mother for putting her own interests before hers and this in turn causes tension. The last way Tortilla Sun shows tension in paragraph 35. As it says in the text, “I stormed off into my room and threw myself onto my bed. I ached inside. Like the feeling you get watching a lost balloon float far into the sky until it becomes an invisible nothing.”(35) This quote shows tension because Izzy is feeling hopeless and that feeling was caused by her mother. Her mother feels bad for making Izzy feel this way but Izzy is still angry. In conclusion, in Tortilla Sun, there is much tension because Izzy’s parent acts in a way that neglects her

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