Concussions in the NFL

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“Dying to Play” an article by Kevin Cook, is about stopping concussions in the N.F.L. But anything that involves contact, or physical activity will result in injury. The N.F.L does have many injuries, so does every sport, not just the N.F.L. which is in the spotlight. whats popular in the media tends to get bashed on and criticized. In “Dying to Play”, Cook states that brain injury, is a growing problem in football. Cook starts off saying a player; collided with a teammate and broke his neck. that its a reminder that makes the N.F.L. notice head injuries, are very serious. before that “the N.F.L. donated $30 million to the National Institutes of Health for research on brain injuries” states Cook “Reporting that N.F.L. veterans are more likely to die from brain diseases. Cook informs you over 3,000 players have sued the N.F.L. because they were not informed. but some brains are more resistant to head injuries. Cook states “Dave Duerson was 50 years old when he committed suicide, but didn't damage his brain. so it could be studied, showing signs of C.T.E” (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). Another problem is when a player is concussed, and lie to keep playing the game. Cook Said “ The N.F.L. uses cognitive test to determine a players condition. they are shown 20 words and asked to write down what they remember, its done the same with pictures and put on file. when a player gets hit hard, they take the same test. and compare the results.” and “Some Players cheat, giving wrong answers on the before test. so they can do better when concussed.” Cook thinks they need a more foolproof plan. Cook ends saying “How should we view the donation from the N.F.L to the N.I.H. when $30 million is what four and a half minutes, of commercial time...

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...about concussions, because its a big company with lots of attention. They have around 1500 players in the N.F.L. but you don't hear about lower levels of football after college. like arena football which has thousands of players. but you will never hear a word about them, because they aren't in the spotlight. Cook said “America’s ready for some football, but the human brain may never be.” This upsets me, he wrote this about stopping the injuries in the N.F.L. but how can you stop brain injuries, if the human brain may never be capable of playing. There will always be injuries in everything you do, but you can choose. many players are fully aware when they have a concussion, then choose to get back in the game, or keep it quiet. overall the National Football League watches out for players, with doctors, and medical attention. Unfortunately injury will always occur.

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