Conch In Lord Of The Flies

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The symbolism of The Lord of the Flies

Lord of the flies is a story about some youthful boys that crashed on an island , and all their parents or guardians passed away during the crash. All these youthful boys came together to survive. All theses kids came together and put their heads together to find a way to survive on this island until they were rescued. They found a conch and it became a big part of the story and Piggy’s glasses helped the group of boys out to. The fire helped the boys a bunch.
In the beginning of the story everyone was coming together as a group, and was ready to work as a team. All the kids voted Ralph leader of the group because he was older and more mature, and has a clue of what to do. Jack thought he should of been voted leader because he knows how to hunt. Therefore jack turned against Ralph and became savage he started not to care for anyone besides himself and hunting jack eventually accepted being there on the island forever. While ralph was still tryna get rescued ,and jack didn't like that. …show more content…

In the beginning of the novel Ralph and Piggy found the conch on the beach. In the book the conch represents civilization and leadership. Piggy said “ We can use the conch and blow it to call everyone together” (William Golding). In the story they use the shell to assemble everyone together and have a

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