Computer Application: Evolution And Evolution Of Computer Generations

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Computer Application Essay Each of computer generation can be characterized by the development of computer technology which has changed the way computers operate. As a result, a device becomes smaller, cheaper, more powerful, efficient and reliable. There are several reasons of origin of the computer and a brief history of it evolutions are outlined below. Generally, the evolutions of computer generations can be divided into five generations, which in every each of generation have their own characteristic that can be differentiated as well. The word 'computer' comes from the word of compute which means to calculate. Computers were developed from calculators as the need increased for scientific calculations and more complex. Charles Babbage is known as the father of computers because of his immense contribution to the programming of the world. His idea was then developed into a programmable computer which could print and calculate logarithmic tables with huge precision. However, there were also some weakness such as practical problems and the progression was slow. The first generation has been invented in the year of 1940 to 1956 which known as vacuum tubes. During the World War, the U.S military had a high demand of fast computers which could perform weather predictions in minutes and extremely complex calculations. This was when the ENIAC was built. The ENIAC stand for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer by a partnership between University of Pennsylvania and the U.S government. Right after the landmark "Von Neumann Architecture" was introduced it was considerably increased the speed of the computer since it was used only in one memory. The Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) and UNIVAC were built... ... middle of paper ... ...t of the technology industry, providing the heavy lifting for many of the most difficult problems in computer science. As a conclusion, computer is not just one of the first tools to assist in the calculation, but it is also include all aspects of life that can be made easier and faster. According from one generation to another generation which started with the first generation until fifth, the computers already have developments and changes quite rapidly. Not only that, the computer from the first generation until now much more sophisticated yet more can make time-consume efficiently. Besides, the computer had more sophisticated with new technologies springing up and also environmentally friendly. For instance, a laptop is a device that is in desire for all or been among the IT users. It is also being able to use anywhere and lead to the professional lifestyle.

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