Compulsive Hoarding Syndrome

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Imagine how much trash and waste people discard in their lifetimes. Now imagine a person living in that waste they have accumulated in their lifetime stored in their own homes because of their inability to discard the useless items. This is what day-to-day life is like for a compulsive hoarder. Compulsive hoarding is a chronic behavioral syndrome that is defined by a person's extreme retention of useless items and crippling inability to discard such items. Compulsive hoarding has been traditionally recognized amongst psychiatrists and researchers in human behavior as a sub-type of obsessive-compulsive disorder due to similar symptoms hoarders have with those that suffer from OCD. However, there is substantial evidence that proves contrary. Hoarders often have several other behavioral or physical symptoms that are not typical of a person with OCD, hoarders also have genetic and physical anomalies different from OCD, and finally, most compulsive hoarders do not respond to treatments intended for OCD patients. Because of these differences, compulsive hoarding should be seen as a separate syndrome apart from OCD, so that the disorder may be categorized and studied accurately in order to pursue more effective treatments.

Compulsive hoarding has been universally defined by researchers as a chronic behavioral syndrome that is categorized by three unique qualities: the extreme retention and failure to dispose of an abundant quantity of useless objects, living environments so condensed with clutter that it compromises day-to-day living for its occupants, and finally a significant provocation of anxiety or distress caused by the hoarding (Franks et al. 79). Although the definition of compulsive hoarding is universally accepted, the cau...

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...y." Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 27.1 (2005): 45-52. Print.

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Maier, Thomas. "Understanding Hoarding and Hoarding Behaviors." Psychiatric Times. 04 Dec 2005: 80. Print.

Thobaben, Marshelle. "Understanding Compulsive Hoarding." Home Health Care Management & Practice. 18.2 (2006): 152-154. Print.

Timpano, Kiara, and Norman Schmidt. "The Association Between Self-Control and Hoarding: A Case Report." Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 17. (2010): 439-448. Print.

Turner, Kathy, Gail Steketee, and Laura Nauth. "Treating Elders With Compulsive Hoarding: A Pilot Program." Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 17. (2010): 449-457. Print.

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