Complexity In Romeo And Juliet

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Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet shares the complexity of love. This complexity is shown through a force that propels action forward in the play. In Romeo and Juliet this is a negative force. This force causes consequences for their relationship, friendships, and their families.
Romeo and Juliet shows the complication of what love is. Before Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets and Montagues hated each other. Because of this hate, the love between Romeo and Juliet is very complex. The complexity of their love causes Romeo to reject his family name. He says “My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself /Because it is an enemy to thee.” (Shakespeare 2.2.55-56). This is where Romeo says that he no longer wishes for his name, it is an enemy to Juliet’s family. With Romeo, Juliet does the same. “Deny thy father and refuse thy name/ Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love/And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” (Shakespeare 2.2.34-36). Here she urges that …show more content…

The negative force keeps the need of Romeo and Juliet to be together. This causes Juliet to not want to marry Paris. She rejects her father’s marriage proposal, before Romeo she was open to the idea of marriage with Paris.“ I will not marry yet. And when I do, I swear /It shall be Romeo,whom you know I hate,/Rather than Paris” (Shakespeare 3.5.121-123).This is the main thing that led Paris to die and for Romeo and Juliet to kill themselves. This and many other things is the effect of the negative force. Alongside that, it led Romeo and others to get into a fight, killing Mercutio and Tybalt.
In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet the complexity of what love is, is immensely shown. The negative portrayal of love propelled action forward in the play.The love between these two adolescents lead to consequences on their friends, families, and even their life’s. “For never was a story of more woe /Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”(Shakespeare

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