Complementary colour scheme lesson plan

685 Words2 Pages

Students are aware of the primary colours and secondary colours on the colour wheel.

There is a female student that constantly asking for the instruction to be repeated following each stage of the activity. Also, there is another male student

OBJECTIVES (Written in Behavioural Terms):
1. Identify, after viewing colour wheel, that complementary colours are two colours (a primary and secondary colour) directly opposite each other on the colour wheel.
2. Explain using the colour wheel that complementary colour consists of a warm and cool colour.
3. Choose the paints to mix to create the secondary colour for the complementary scheme.
4. Create a picture of flower or fish and paint using a complementary scheme.

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES (List of Materials, Charts, A/V Aids, etc.):
White board, expo dry erase markers, colour wheel

Resources provided by teacher
White poster paper, pictures of fishes and flowers, paint (primary colours), paint brushes, water containers, newspaper, sanitary plates (palettes).

Resources created by teacher
Pictures of complementary colour scheme
Chart on complementary colours
Sample of activity

CONTENT (add attachments as necessary):
A colour scheme is a plan for organizing colours. Complementary colours are two colours directly opposite each other, a primary colour and a secondary colour. The complementary schemes are exciting. This scheme is loud and demand attention.

INTRODUCTION (must be related to the topic):
Students place into five groups with one spokesperson for each group. After viewing each picture student will discuss the picture and explain what they understand about the colours in the picture. The spokesperson will explain what the group sees ...

... middle of paper ...

...Each group is given a white paper that they will be instructed to fold in half, and then folding again to create four squares. The students will then be instructed to open paper up displaying four squares. At the center of the paper the students will write complementary colours. The squares will be labelled definition, Characteristics, Examples and Non-examples. In each square the students will enter information pertaining to heading. The group will be given five minutes to complete the group assignment and each group will have an opportunity present.

 Two colour directly opposite each other on the colour wheel.


 Warm and cool colour
 Primary colour and secondary colour

 Purple and yellow
 Orange and blue
 Red and green

Examples  Red and green
 Purple and blue
 Yellow and red
 Orange and yellow


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