Complaining About Ordinary People

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As we all know, in today’s society half of the population is complaining about everything. Presidency, racism, taxes – honestly anything that you could possibly complain about, the world is complaining about. Things honestly are all sorts of complicated right now and not necessarily good; but, even though the world is crazy right now, we should focus on trying to impact the lives of kids so that their generation can change things and make a difference. Instead of complaining about things, we should learn to take action in whatever capacity we are good at. For instance, much like myself, many people share a love for children. The best feeling you could get is knowing that you have impacted someone’s life for the better, especially a child who still has a lot of growing up to do. Being an older teenager, you should know that some children are definitely looking up to you and wanting to do some of the things, or all of the things, that you might do. So why not choose to make a difference and give them something good to look up to. …show more content…

I live in Lake Butler literally not even 5 minutes from the park, so every Saturday we could meet up at the park for our VBS. What we would be doing would be gathering the kids together and letting them play around at the park for a little, and giving them lunch, doing a bible study and playing games. Some children have parents that don’t ever really tell them about God, or never want to go to church or anything, but we all know all parents like to get rid of their kids sometimes and have alone time. So the weekend is a perfect time to set it up for

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