Comparison of Shrek and Farrqquad in the Fairy Tale Genre

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In the essay i am going to focus on the characters of Shrek and lord Farrquaad, the fairytale genre is subverted from the usual ogre being a man eater and the prince saving the princess to the ogre becoming the rescuer and the prince being evil person who sends the ogre to do his dirty work and rescue the princess.

The opening shot is of a book with someone reading what is on the pages, with classical peaceful music, with the voice soothing like a classical fairytale. The sounds were non diagetic and the book was under a spotlight. Making the book stand out to the viewer. An ogres hand appears and rips a page out and the voice then becomes sarcastic ‘like that’s ever gonna happen’ which is used for comedic value and shows that the fairytale genre is turned upside down and then the toilet flushes which is a diagetic sound which is also done for comedy and we also realise where the page went.

There is a non diagetic song over the top of the opening credits scene , it is a happy lively song, which reflects the personality of Shrek. There is a long shot of shreks home with the sunshin...

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