Comparison Of Selma, The Big Short, And The Circle

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The most prominent films of the course are perhaps Selma, The Big Short, and the Circle due to their string criticism of society and authority. Selma critics the past of United States history. The Big Short offers criticism to modern U.S. society, and The Circle offers criticism to what could happen in the future. Upon the success of the success of the Civil Rights Act 1964, Martin Luther King Jr. still argued that there was much left to accomplish for African Americans. In order to further combat the south, King wanted to continue to push for the United States to secure voting rights for African Americans. Although voting was not outright outlawed by southern states, some made it quite difficult for African Americans to vote for elections. …show more content…

society as well as authority. The film not only illustrates the great recession due to collapse of the housing and credit bubble, but it also demonstrates the events leading up to it. The crash of the housing market completely devasted everyone. In the United States, millions of people lost their home, jobs, money. Additionally, several other countries were also impacted by the crash of the United States economy. Unemployment grew in the United States and at other countries as well. Markets slowed down in growth. There were several stock markets that crashed with the housing market. The housing crash essentially caused international trade to fall at an all-time low. As a result of the crash of the housing market, government regulations were put in place to ensure that something similar does not happen again. Lewis is critical of the people involved in the crash of the housing market by stating that no one was punished for their actions. Only one person received jail time. Lewis explains how on the contrary, the bankers responsible for the crisis received a bailout from the United States government at the expense of the tax payers of America. Those bankers then went on to provide immense bonuses for themselves with the bailout money. The government policies resulted in saving economic industries that should have failed in order to attempt to help alleviate the crisis. By criticizing the government

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