Comparison Of Mercutio And Tybalt

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Members of their town did not respect Mercutio and Tybalt Why?. They are passionate and over eccentric characters who enjoy voicing their opinions. Although it can seem humorous, they are psychopaths who enjoy stirring up trouble. If they didn’t express their views history would’ve been completely altered. An example of their craziness is Mercutio’s long monologue warning Romeo about Queen Mab, a fairy queen. Mercutio rants, “O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you. She is the fairies’ midwife, and she comes. In shape no bigger than an agate-stone” (1.4,54-55) This proves that Mercutio is over eccentric and has a large sense of imagination. This may not directly lead to conflict, but this crazy action proves that Mercutio can be heavily

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