Comparison Of Abstinence Of Education And Comprehensive Sex Education

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Many people think that the study of evolution and religion is the most talked about and most important controversial issue in public schools. There have been many debates about what to teach and what to include in public schools education programs and curriculum. However the new high tension controversial topic is Abstinence only and Comprehensive sex education. This topic has parents, educators, and schools at point where decisions need to be made on whether one is better than the other. Studies prove that Abstinence only is taught throughout public schools in the U.S. but the truth is that Abstinence only is less effective than Comprehensive sex education. Over the course of the last 20 years numerous states have lowered their teen birth rates by using abstinence only programs. But the majority of the resulting states are lowering teen birth rates at a faster pace because their technique of Comprehensive sex education is more effective. But first, what is the difference between abstinence only education and Comprehensive sex education? Abstinence only programs is simple, it’s just teaching the young that sex should wait until your married or not have it at all. According to Title V, Section 510 (b)(2)(A-H) of the Social Security Act (P.L. 104-193), the definition of Abstinence education has several parts of which contain different guidelines to the program. Such as, “Teach that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems.” However we know that with society today teens are not following the program and are straying away from abstinence which is why Comprehensive sex education is being taught. The Sexuality Informa... ... middle of paper ... ...ex Education class. There is also the fact that some parents believe that they should be the ones to teach their kids about sex, and give them the talk. Teens know that their parents are going to give them the sex talk or the “birds and the bees” talk. I personally am not a fan of this talk, and I know a lot of kids that would prefer to hear it from a health teacher rather than their parent. With the majority of the facts proving that Comprehensive sex education is better and more effective than abstinence only education, it is true that Comprehensive sex education dominates abstinence only. With that being said change needs to happen and Comprehensive sex education should and needs to be taught throughout the majority if not all of the schools in the U.S. because if we truly want to take the more effective route then Comprehensive sex education is the way to go.

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