Comparison Between Tituba And Abigail

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In my opinion the two people who were responsible for witchcraft are Tituba and Abigail. Why? You may ask, well to begin with they were both there in the woods that night, and they were both dancing. To prove that, here is where Tituba was accused of being able to see the devil. ¨ Mrs.Putnam: Tituba knows how to speak to the dead,Mr.Parris¨ ( Pg. 1266 ). Tituba was also responsible because she gave Betty chicken blood and well that is not normal. Who would give someone chicken blood. ¨Tituba: No,no chicken blood. I give she chicken blood ! ¨ ( Pg.1284 ). Also Abigail claims to have done things that are out of the ordinary because she says that she has been bewitched. ¨ Abigail : Sometimes I wake and find myself standing in the open doorway

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