Comparing Victor And The Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein, a scientist who studies the dark sciences, creates an eight-foot tall, hideous monster. Victor does not think about the horrible effects that this monster will soon create for everyone and everything who crosses its path. Mary Shelley does a fantastic job of throwing in plenty of symbols and similarities between characters throughout the story. The two characters who share the most similarities are Victor and the monster. When the novel starts off, Victor is found all alone in the ice covered land. He is frantically searching for the monster. This is the first true clue of how lonely and isolated Victor Frankenstein really is. In the book, Victor is portrayed as a crazy, lonely, isolated …show more content…

They are terrified of him and they all flee. The monster cannot comprehend why the people are so mean to him. Even though they all hate him, he still has a good heart at first. When the monster runs away from Victor’s laboratory is when the isolation stage of his life begins. At this point, he is finally starting to realize that everyone he comes in contact with hates him and is scared of him. This causes the monster to go into serious depression and his whole mindset begins to drastically change. The monster stays outside of a house with a family of four and watches their every move. He learns how to talk and read just by watching through their window. He wants to fit in and be just like them but he knows that any time he shows his face to any human being that they will say horrible things to him. He just decides to stay alone in the forest and live his life alone. At the end of the story when Elizabeth gets murdered, Victor becomes deeply depressed and basically feels like he has nothing to live for. This is when he goes through the ice to search for the monster. The monster and Victor are alike in so many different ways, but isolation is what they have in common the most. In my opinion, Mary Shelley wanted everyone who reads this book to understand how much they resemble each …show more content…

Victor is heartbroken and goes into a state of mind that basically causes him to go crazy. This is when Victor’s whole mindset changes. He instantly has nothing on his mind but getting revenge on the monster. If you flash back to the first of the story to Robert Walton’s letters, Victor is found searching for the monster in the middle of an ice-covered no man’s land. This is one of the biggest signs of how far Victor will go to get revenge on the Monster for taking the life of Victor’s beloved

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