Comparing Tuesdays With Morrie And Say What You Need To Say

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In Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and the song “Say What You Need to Say” by John Mayer. They all share the central idea that it was importance to revealing emotions because that people hide their emotions and they are embarrassed to cry because they fear personal judgement. However by showing the emotion out you will find relief, peace of your inner mind which give you the power to moving forward. Which led people to shows who they truly are and open their heart to other, don’t let fear get into way of your life. Those emotion that people have are a way to build up the deep relationship with other because it give your that relief and peace, just like what Morrie said that, “Throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself …show more content…

Which is similar led back to that central idea which it was importance to revealing emotions. Like when the song said, “Fighting with the shadows in your head,Living out the same old moment Knowing you'd be better off instead” (Mayer).Just as the song address that sometime people live in the past because they can’t see the future that is waiting on their life that fear of showing the emotion showing who they truly are stop them to see the meaning and purpose of their life. Which shows that similar between the song and the book that it was importance to revealing emotions because it define the person who you are today. Also in the song author use repetition to show us the key idea that, “Say what you need to say” (Mayer). This show us that act all the emotion out, say what you need to say, don’t hide you fear and feel act it out don’t be embarrassed to cry, because that was who your truly are, show all you inner fear and feeling about other and yourself. Don’t live a regret of your

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