Comparing Tim Burton's Film 'Jason And The Argonauts'

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Tim Burton is an American director, artist, producer, animator and writer, born in California in 1958. As a child, Burton had an interest in horror films and would often go to watch them at his local theatre. Burton's favourites of these films are 'Scream Blacula Scream', 'Destroy All Monsters' and 'Jason and the Argonauts' (fig4). Fig 4: a still from the film 'Jason and the Argonauts' directed by Don Chaffey, 1963. Burton also lists actor Vincent Price as one of his childhood idols, and has created several works inspired by Price such as his animated short, 'Vincent' which Price also narrated. Price also plays the part of the inventor in 'Edward Scissorhands'. It is often said, that the character of Edward is based of Burton himself, from

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