Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper And Shakespeare's Sister

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In a world ruled by men, women take upon their selves to become equal if not above the social standards set by man. It is with this mindset that two influential female writers broke through the barrier set by these principles Virginia Woolf and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Gilman composed a short story named “The Yellow Wallpaper”, in this story a woman is locked up in a room by her husband so that she may “get better” when ailing from an unknown illness. Eventually she truly becomes ill and turns to the arms of insanity. Virginia Wool similarly writes a short story called “Shakespeare’s Sister”, the plot line consists of the inner workings of a woman’s mind through the process of what it would have been like to be the sister of Shakespeare’s …show more content…

“The Yellow Wallpaper” begins with a narrative from the point of view of the woman in the story. The form is in an almost journalistic text, which makes the story more personal for the reader, almost as if the woman is telling the story in person rather than someone else describing an event with no insight to the character’s thoughts. However, from the way that she describes things, it is easy to pick up on the distinct physical mannerism of the character. Such as the way she moves and how she touches the walls. Gilman’s approach to the idea of the dissention of the human brain into insanity is eerily accurate. Parallel to this story is “Shakespeare’s Sister”, in which the events going on are imagined by the thoughts of the narrator, almost like a thought within a thought. She accurately describes what her feelings could have been versus what they actually are. By this form of writing, Woolf gives readers a glimpse into a thought that could have possibly only lasted mere …show more content…

In “The Yellow Wall Paper”, a women and her husband who has moved to a shabby chic house to improve upon her health is ordered to quit writing. She is put in a room that must have been for children or for playing has sickening yellow wallpaper that could drive anyone to claw at the wall due to its distasteful appearance. Although she tries to get her husband to let her leave the dreadful room, he never complies to relieve her of her minds slow destruction. Little does he know that his inaction will lead to catastrophe due to his lack of accomplishment. On the other hand, in “Shakespeare’s Sister”, it is not the woman herself that is treated so unfairly, but the concept of how she could have been treated. The girl in her thoughts receives the brunt of male superiority just because she was born a female. She would never receive an education, her writing would not be accepted, and she would only be expected to get married and have children all due to the true fact that she was born the opposite sex of

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