Comparing The Story 'Brer Rabbit And The Fatal Imitation'

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Brer Rabbit is a timeless character used in many African-American stories. One such story is "Brer Rabbit and the Fatal Imitation" where a very important message of staying true to yourself is expressed. By captivating characters, plot, images and language, the reader can successfully understand this significant message. Let's take a closer look at how the story presents the idea that you shouldn't try to become someone you're not. "Brer Rabbit and the Fatal Imitation" features the popular character, Brer Rabbit, and a rooster. As Brer Rabbit is returning home, he sees a supposedly wise rooster and asks him why he sleeps with his head and one leg cut off. Brer Rabbit is surprised to find out that it helps the Rooster have a perfect night’s rest. Because of this, the foolish rabbit decides to try sleeping the same way. That night, Brer Rabbit asks his wife to cut off three of his legs along with his head. As his wife obliges and places the knife on his skin, the rabbit screams out as he is overcome with pain. This causes the wife to discontinue her husband’s wishes as well as awaken the rooster revealing that he doesn’t cut off his head and one leg but rather tucks his head under his wing and the leg against his body. This plot supports the theme as it shows that when Brer Rabbit attempts to become like the rooster, he figures out that just because something works for one person it isn't always a good idea for yourself. …show more content…

Because of this, readers can expect that Brer Rabbit will make a poor choice that will close with an important moral. For example, the end of the story shows Brer Rabbit’s mistake, "So Brer Rabbit nursed his sore leg and didn't try that trick again." This shows that he regrets his choices and readers can once again learn a

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